In Seyfarth’s seventh installment in its 2018 Trade Secrets Webinar Series, Seyfarth attorneys Andrew Boutros and John Schleppenbach focused on criminal liability for trade secret theft, including four key statutes, key elements for criminal prosecution, civil RICO under the Defend Trade Secrets Act, and best practices for avoiding misappropriation and for handling misappropriation when it occurs.

As a conclusion to
Continue Reading Webinar Recap! Criminal Trade Secret Theft: What You Need to Know

shutterstock_465124364Seyfarth continues to be at the forefront of issues involving the Defend Trade Secrets Act (“DTSA”). On March 17, 2017, two Seyfarth attorneys, Andrew Boutros and Alex Meier, published the first-ever in-depth analysis of the intersection between the DTSA and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”) in Bloomberg’s White Collar Crime Report.

The article, “An Endangered
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Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) recently proposed a draft discussion bill to amend the federal Economic Espionage Act and enhance criminal trade secret protections.  

The amendments would expand the Economic Espionage Act to expressly cover trade secret misappropriation sponsored by foreign governments and theft taken at their request, provide victims with additional procedures to protect their trade
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