We are pleased to share the release of the Lexology Panoramic: Trade Secrets – USA In-Year Update, a go-to resource for navigating the evolving landscape of trade secret law in the United States.
This guide provides in-depth insights into:
A Law Blog on Trade Secrets, Non-Competes, and Computer Fraud
We are pleased to share the release of the Lexology Panoramic: Trade Secrets – USA In-Year Update, a go-to resource for navigating the evolving landscape of trade secret law in the United States.
This guide provides in-depth insights into:
Seyfarth is proud to serve as a Silver Sponsor of the Trade Secrets Symposium 2024: Navigating the Law of Trade Secrets and Restrictive Covenants, presented by the New York City Bar Association. This two-day virtual event will take place on Monday, December 9, and Tuesday, December 10, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:25 p.m. (ET).
The Symposium offers a…
Continue Reading Seyfarth Sponsors and Shares Insights at Trade Secrets Symposium 2024On July 10th, the European Commission issued its Implementing Decision regarding the adequacy of the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (“DPF”). The Decision has been eagerly awaited by US and Europe based commerce, hoping it will help business streamline cross-Atlantic data transfers, and by activists who have vowed to scrutinize the next framework arrangement (thereby maintaining their relevance). Regardless of the…
Continue Reading Adequacy for the US (kind of) – But What Are the Side Effects?In Seyfarth’s third installment in the 2023 Trade Secrets Webinar Series providing valuable insights into navigating this evolving landscape, Seyfarth attorneys covered a range of topics, including the latest technology threats, the importance of communication and training, revisiting confidentiality policies, alternative trade secret protections, and updating restrictive covenant agreements. Here are the key takeaways from the Seyfarth webinar:
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Central
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mountain
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Pacific
In today’s digital age, trade secrets are an essential asset for businesses to stay ahead of the competition. As businesses continue to operate remotely, protecting trade secrets has become increasingly…
Continue Reading Upcoming Webinar! Managing Trade Secrets in a Remote Work EnvironmentThis post was originally published as a Seyfarth Legal Update.
In a January 11, 2023 op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal, President Joe Biden urged “Democrats and Republicans to come together to pass strong bipartisan legislation to hold Big Tech accountable.” He warned that the “risks Big Tech poses for ordinary Americans are clear. Big Tech companies collect huge amounts of data” about technology users, including “the places we go,” and argued that “we need serious federal protections for Americans’ privacy. That means clear limits on how companies can collect, use and share highly personal data,” including location data.Continue Reading Buckle Up: How Privacy Policy And Antitrust Enforcement Could Affect Automakers In 2023
Earlier this year, Seyfarth Shaw partnered to issue the 2022 Future Employer survey to clients and contacts. We surveyed in-house legal and business leaders to find out how they are thinking about the “Future of Work.” This was an important continuation of Seyfarth’s thought leadership endeavors related to futurist legal-thinking and the future of work, which we formalized five years ago with the inaugural survey in 2017. With respect to the protection of company data and intellectual property, the survey results highlight the need for companies to have thoughtful policies and procedures that address data usage and retention in a hybrid work environment.Continue Reading Future Employer Survey Results Highlight Need For Companies To Implement Thoughtful Policies To Protect Company Data and Intellectual Property in Hybrid Work Environment
In the second annual installment of Seyfarth Shaw’s Commercial Litigation Outlook, our nationally-recognized team provides keen insights about what to expect in 2022. It will be a busy year that will call upon clients and their counsel to be flexible, creative, and proactive on many fronts.
As the pandemic morphs into an endemic, we are seeing overall litigation activity…
Continue Reading Upcoming Webinar Series! Commercial Litigation Outlook: Insights and Predictions for Litigation Trends in 2022
Throughout 2021, our dedicated Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group hosted a series of CLE webinars that addressed significant trade secret and restrictive covenant issues facing clients today. This year’s series included:
As a conclusion to our 2021 webinar series, we compiled a list of key takeaway points for each program. For those clients who missed any of the programs in this year’s series, recordings of all of our past webinars are available on the blog, or you may click on the link for each webinar below to view the online recording.
Continue Reading 2021 Trade Secrets Webinar Series: Takeaways & Recordings
In Seyfarth’s second installment in its 2021 Trade Secrets Webinar Series, Seyfarth attorneys Richard Lutkus, Bob Stevens, and Matthew Simmons outlined best practices and steps companies can take to continue to protect intellectual capital, including policies, protections, security concerns, and agreements needed to protect information in a remote environment.
As a conclusion to this webinar, we compiled a summary…
Continue Reading Webinar Recap! Employee Termination & Data Repatriation in the Remote Work Environment