We are pleased to announce the publication of the Trading Secrets Blog 2012 Year in Review.

The 2012 Review is a compilation of our significant blog posts from 2012 and is categorized by specific topics: Trade Secrets; Computer Fraud and Abuse Act; Non-Competes and Restrictive Covenants; and Legislation.

As the specific blog entries, including our Top 10 Developments/Headlines in
Continue Reading 2012 Year in Review On Significant Trade Secret, Non-Compete, and Computer Fraud Cases, Legislation, and Developments Now Available

On Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. pacific/12:00 p.m. central, Jim McNairy, Jessica Mendelson and Joshua Salinas will present the “2012 California Year in Review,” the final segment in this year’s Trade Secret Webinar Series. 

You can register for this complimentary webinar here.

In Seyfarth’s final installment of its 2012 Trade Secret Webinar series, Seyfarth attorneys will review
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By Daniel Hart and Bob Stevens

Friday, May 11, 2012 marked the one-year anniversary of Georgia’s new Restrictive Covenant Act ("New Act"). As we have written on this blog before (here and here), passage of the New Act marked a dramatic change in Georgia’s public policy regarding restrictive covenants in employment agreements. Prior to passage of the New

Continue Reading Georgia’s New Restrictive Covenant Act Turns One Year Old

Dear Clients and Friends,

2011 was a successful year for our Trading Secrets blog. Launched in 2007, the blog has continued to grow in both readership and postings. Content from Trading Secrets has appeared on newsfeeds such as Lexology and iTechLaw, IP.com’s “Securing Innovation” Blog, and Kevin O’Keefe’s “Real Lawyers Have Blogs,” one of the leading sources of information and
Continue Reading Seyfarth Shaw’s Trade Secret, Computer Fraud, and Non-Compete 2011 Year In Review Now Available