We are pleased to announce the publication of the Trading Secrets Blog 2012 Year in Review.

The 2012 Review is a compilation of our significant blog posts from 2012 and is categorized by specific topics: Trade Secrets; Computer Fraud and Abuse Act; Non-Competes and Restrictive Covenants; and Legislation.

As the specific blog entries, including our Top 10 Developments/Headlines in Trade Secret, Computer Fraud, and Non-Compete Law in 2012 and 2012 Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud, and Non-Competes Webinar Series – Year in Review, contained in the Review demonstrate, our blog authors stay on top of the latest developments in this area of law and provide timely and entertaining posts on significant new cases, legal developments, and legislation. The Review includes a searchable, detailed index that references all cases and states mentioned throughout the Review.

The 2012 Review also includes a complete listing of all webinars in the 2012 Trade Secrets Webinar Series, with links to the recordings of each webinar.

We are kicking off the 2013 webinar series with a program entitled, “2012 National Year in Review: What You Need to Know About the Recent Cases/Developments in Trade Secret, Non-Compete, and Computer Fraud Law” on January 28th.  More information on our upcoming 2013 webinars is available in the program listing contained in the Review.

Clients and friends of the blog can request a CD or printed copy of the Review by clicking here.

Preparing the Review was a complete team effort and we thank you for your continued support of the blog.