Throughout 2013, Seyfarth Shaw LLP’s dedicated Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group hosted a series of CLE webinars that addressed significant issues facing clients today in this important and ever changing area of law.
The series consisted of twelve webinars:
2. Trade Secrets in the Telecommunications Industry
3. Employee Privacy and Social Networking: Can Your Trade Secrets Survive?
4. How the America Invents Act Increases the Importance of Trade Secrets
5. Protecting Confidential Information and Client Relationships in the Financial Services Industry
6. Trade Secret and Non-Compete Legislative Update
7. The Big Data Revolution: How Big Data Impacts Trade Secret, Computer Fraud and Privacy
8. Trade Secret and Non-Compete Considerations in Asia
9. How and Why California Is Different When It Comes To Trade Secrets and Non-Competes
10. Trade Secrets in the Pharmaceuticals Industry
11. My Company’s Confidential Information is Posted on the Internet! What Can I Do?
12. The Stakes Just Got Higher: Criminal Prosecution of Trade Secret Misappropriation
As a conclusion to this well-received 2013 webinar series, we compiled a list of key takeaway points for each of the webinars. For those clients who missed any of the programs in this year’s webinar series, the webinars are available on CD upon request or you may click on the title listed above for each webinar to access the online recording.
We are also pleased to announce that Seyfarth will continue its trade secrets webinar programming in 2014 and has several exciting topics lined up. We will release the 2014 trade secrets webinar series schedule in the coming weeks.