Seyfarth attorneys Joshua Salinas and Michael Wexler and digital forensic technologist James Vaughn (iDiscovery Solutions) presented a webinar on December 19, 2022, entitled, “Trade Secret Protection: Through the pandemic and beyond.” The experienced panel discussed the latest developments and trends in trade secret protection as businesses look to reestablish themselves in a post-pandemic world, including:

  • Workplace hot topics, such as
Continue Reading Recap! Trade Secret Protection and Future Technology

Fear of the coronavirus is causing many employers to permit—or in some cases mandate—employees to work remotely. While this measure is designed to minimize the risk of virus transmission, it presents an altogether different risk when it comes to protecting trade secrets, as employees have ripe opportunities to remove trade secrets and other sensitive information from company systems and databases. While remote access is ostensibly provided so that employees can perform their job functions from home, and may even be a necessity in that regard, some employees may take the opportunity to exploit the situation to more nefarious ends, and others may just be careless, which can lead to equally bad outcomes. In addition, employees’ external home networks may not have robust security on par with in-office network security.
Continue Reading Love in the Time of Coronavirus: Protecting Trade Secrets During a Pandemic

This week, at the ITech Law World Technology Conference in New York, Seyfarth attorney Dan Hart briefed members of the International Technology Law Association’s Intellectual Property Committee about the European Commission’s proposed Directive on trade secret protection.  As we have written, the new Directive, if enacted, will substantially alter the legal landscape in Europe regarding trade secret protection and
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As a special feature of our blog –special guest postings by experts, clients, and other professionals –please enjoy this blog entry by University of Florida Law Professor Elizabeth Rowe regarding protecting trade secrets from disclosure by the government. Professor Rowe’s expertise is in intellectual property law. Her scholarship focuses on trade secrets, as well as the interaction of intellectual property
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