shutterstock_134112389As we have frequently reported in this blog, social media privacy issues increasingly permeate the workplace.  For example, earlier this year, Montana and Virginia joined a growing number of states in enacting laws restricting employer access to the social media accounts of applicants and employees.  With Governor Dannell Malloy’s approval of similar legislation in Connecticut on May 21, the Constitution
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On April 16th, Scott Schaefers spoke with LexBlog’s Colin O’Keefe in a live online interview about what employers need to know about the social networking privacy legislation passed by thirteen states in the last two years.  Scott discussed Seyfarth’s soon-to-be-published survey of that legislation, as well as some ideas of what employers can do to protect its proprietary assets.  Those

Continue Reading Scott Schaefers Discussing Employee Social Media Privacy – How Employers Can Strike the Necessary Balance