With the ever-increasing need to maintain communications with customers and your employees, mobile phones have become a requirement for business people. Spanish telecommunications company Geeksphone is targeting the business market with Blackphone, the first mobile phone that encrypts data transmissions. No one would argue against the value of increased wireless data security, but do CIA-style cellular phones really provide enough
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First Amendment
Fourth Circuit Holds That Facebook “Like” Is Protected by the First Amendment
Remember that Facebook photo of a friend’s vacation that you “liked” a couple of days ago? Well, congratulations, you’ve just exercised your constitutional right to free speech! This week, in an intensely followed case in the Fourth Circuit, the court held that “liking” something on Facebook is “a form of speech protected by the First Amendment.”
In Bland v. Roberts…
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“Prior Restraint” Doctrine May Preclude Enjoining A Newspaper From Publishing Misappropriated Trade Secrets
A reporter for a business publication somehow obtained information contained in a privately held company’s confidential interim financial statements. As the reporter was about to disseminate that information in an email alert to the publication’s subscribers, the company sued, described the financials as trade secrets belonging to the company, and obtained from a Louisiana state court judge a TRO enjoining…
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