Seyfarth Partner and Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Compete Practice Group Co-Chair Robert Milligan is on the panel for the “Hot Topics in Trade Secret Litigation: the DTSA, Remedies, Anti-SLAPP, and Constitutional issues” session on November 8, at the California Lawyers Association Intellectual Property Institute in San Jose, California.
The “Hot Topics in Trade Secret Litigation” session will cover some of the most intriguing (and vexing) topics in trade secret litigation and will provide attendees valuable insights from the trenches. The panel will address a broad range of issues, including:
- The Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA)
- Trade secret misappropriation as the predicate act of a RICO claim
- Damages and entitlement of alternative monetary relief
- Anti-SLAPP issues
- Constitutional issues, such as the First Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, and the Seventh Amendment
For more information or to register for the IP Institute, click here: