We are pleased to announce that the Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud, and Non-Competes Group’s first webinar on November 5, 2009 entitled Monitoring the Revolving Door: Protecting Your Trade Secrets in Today’s Economy was a tremendous success.
There were over 550 registered attendees in various legal and business positions, including business leaders, general and associate in-house counsel, human resource professionals, franchise professionals, competitive intelligence professionals, and outside counsel, from numerous domestic and international locations.
The first webinar covered best practices for protecting your company’s trade secrets and managing risk from trade secret claims. Rarely does a day go by without a news report of another high profile theft of important data from a company or the loss of key employees to competitors. Employer downsizing and competitive pressures have increased the need for companies to ensure that they have adequate protections in place to safeguard company assets.
Topics discussed in the first series of informative discussions included:
- Identifying trade secrets
- Adequately protecting trade secrets
- Conducting trade secret “audits”
- Implementing effective trade secrets policies and procedures
As discussed during the presentation, seeking trade secret counseling and a secret audit can assist clients to determine best practices to help protect their most important assets.
For those interested professionals who were not able to attend the first webinar and would like to listen to the recorded audio webinar or would like a copy of the presentation materials, please submit your request to sguigliano@seyfarth.com
Coming up on December 9th, we will host the second in our series, Trade Secret Triage and Restrictive Covenant Relief. Please register (link to website registration) to join us to discuss what to do when you fear that someone has misappropriated your trade secrets.