By Robert Milligan and Jessica Mendelson

Today is the deadline for public comments requested by the Obama Adminstration on any proposed changes to federal law to combat trade secret theft. 

Some legal commentators have proposed several suggested changes to improve America’s trade secrets laws, including creating a federal civil cause of action for trade secrets misappropriation and clarifying that the
Continue Reading Employee Data Theft and Corporate Hacking Studies Point to Need for Additional Federal Trade Secrets Legislation

By Robert Milligan and Joshua Salinas

The Solicitor General indicated yesterday that he will not file a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Nosal.

It was anticipated by some legal commentators that a Supreme Court decision in Nosal may resolve a deepening split between the Circuit Courts regarding the proper interpretation of
Continue Reading Solicitor General Decides Not To File Petition For Review In United States v. Nosal: Circuit Split On Computer Fraud And Abuse Act Remains