Seyfarth attorneys Kate Perrelli, Sierra Chinn-Liu, Anne Dunne, Joshua Salinas, and Paul Yovanic contributed to this year’s ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law, Trade Secrets and Interferences with Contracts Committee Annual Trade Secret Law Report.

The Annual Report, found here, covers the significant trade secrets cases from around the country that were decided in 2019 and 2020. The
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Robert Milligan—Seyfarth partner and co-chair of the Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes practice group—was recently a speaker for the ABA’s “Annual Review: Key business law developments in bite-size pieces” podcast series. The podcast episode titled “Recent Developments in Employee Mobility, Restrictive Covenants and Trade Secrets” is available on the ABA website at
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Seyfarth Partner Marcus L. Mintz was recently named as a co-chair of the Restrictive Covenants/Tortious Interference Subcommittee of the American Bar Association Litigation Section.

The Restrictive Covenants/Tortious Interference Subcommittee is part of the Business Torts & Unfair Competition Committee. The Committee and Subcommittee focus on keeping business litigators fully informed on issues and trends regarding fiduciary duties, fraud, unfair trade
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Partner Erik Weibust will be speaking on Thursday, August 13, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. EST, on an American Bar Association webinar entitled “Non-Compete Update: Practical Guidance in Response to COVID-19.” Erik will be covering topics including “Enforcing Non-Competes During High Unemployment” and “Preparation and Pursuit of Non-Compete Litigation During Court Closures/Limited Access.” Other topics include:

  • Level Set on Forms of

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Seyfarth Partner and Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group Co-Chair Katherine Perrelli was recently named chair of the Trade Secrets and Interferences with Contracts Committee of the American Bar Association Intellectual Property Section for the 2020-2021 bar year.

The Trade Secrets and Interferences with Contracts Committee is focused on issues arising under federal, state, and foreign laws addressing
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On May 27, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. EDT, Seyfarth partner Erik Weibust will be presenting on a webinar for the ABA’s IPLSPRING CLE Series, which is being held in lieu of the ABA-IPL Annual Meeting this year due to COVID-19. The topic is “Trade Secret Law: What You Need to Know Now.” Erik will be speaking specifically on “Heightened Risks
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Seyfarth Partner and Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group Co-Chair Katherine Perrelli was recently named a vice-chair of the Trade Secrets and Interferences with Contracts Committee of the American Bar Association Intellectual Property Section.

The Trade Secrets and Interferences with Contracts Committee is focused on issues arising under federal, state, and foreign laws addressing trade secrets, unfair interference
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Seyfarth Partner Erik Weibust was recently named as a co-chair of the Restrictive Covenants/Tortious Interference Subcommittee of the American Bar Association Litigation Section.

The Restrictive Covenants/Tortious Interference Subcommittee is part of the Business Torts & Unfair Competition Committee. The Committee and Subcommittee focus on keeping business litigators fully informed on issues and trends regarding fiduciary duties, fraud, unfair trade practices,

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D. Joshua Salinas was recently named 2018-2019 Vice Chair of the Trade Secrets and Interferences with Contracts Committee for the American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL). The ABA-IPL was formed to advance the development of intellectual property laws, and their fair and just administration. The Section serves as the ABA voice—within the profession, before policymakers and with
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As a special feature of our blog –special guest postings by experts, clients, and other professionals –please enjoy this blog entry summarizing a recent presentation at the ABA Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts on the Latest Developments in Trade Secret and Non-Compete Law by ABA Law Student Reporter Melissa Lauretti, a law student at the University of Connecticut.

-Robert Milligan,
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