The American Intellectual Property Law Association’s (AIPLA) Trade Secret Committee (of which partner Erik Weibust is Vice Chair) is taking its annual Trade Secret Law Summit online this year, with a series of weekly webinars. The first of the series, on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. EST, features partner Scott Humphrey, who will be moderating a panel entitled “Litigation Funding in Trade Secrets Cases.”
Litigation finance is one of the hottest trends and topics in the legal industry. In today’s economic and legal climate, companies and individuals are looking for alternative ways to fund their trade secret cases, and are turning to litigation funders for assistance. AIPLA’s panel on the “Use of Litigation Funding in Trade Secret Cases” will look at the use of litigation funding in the trade secret space both before and during the COVID pandemic, examine recent trends and likely future trends of the industry, discuss what litigation funders look for in a case, and provide tips on what an individual or company should consider when evaluating whether litigation finance is a viable funding mechanism for their case.
The full schedule for this year’s remote Summit, which features weekly 90-minute presentations covering two topics each, is as follows:
Session 1 (August 12)
What You Need to Know About Ex Parte Seizures under the DTSA
Litigation Funding in Trade Secrets Cases
Session 2 (August 19)
Judicial Perspectives on Trade Secret Matters
Legislative and Judicial Trends in Trade Secret Law
Session 3 (August 26)
Proving Damages in Trade Secret Litigation
Arbitration and Jury Trials in Trades Secrets Disputes
Session 4 (September 2)
Forensics and Artificial Intelligence in Trade Secret Protection and Litigation
Ethics in Trade Secret Investigations and Litigation
Participants can register for the entire Summit or individual sessions. Each session begins at 2:00 p.m. EST and will be followed by online networking beginning at 3:30 p.m. EST. Additional information and registration can be found here.