Please join us for the seventh webinar in the 2012 Trade Secrets Webinar Series on November 28th at noon c.s.t./10:00 a.m. pacific. This webinar will discuss best practices when dealing with newly hired or departing employees and the incumbent trade secret, non-competition and information protection issues.
In today’s highly mobile and competitive world, employees frequently move between companies within the same industry. Rarely a day goes by without a news report of another high-profile theft of important data from a company, or the loss of key employees to competitors.
Employee mobility, coupled with the digitalization of company assets, has increased the need for creative and thoughtful protections of valuable company data. It has become extremely easy for employees, especially disgruntled or irresponsible ones, to take and disseminate confidential information to the detriment of their current or former employers. This trend illustrates the need to protect your company’s trade secrets and data against departing employees, and follow proper practices when hiring a competitor’s employees, and effectively employing trade secret protection and non-competition agreement as appropriate. The presentation will include an interactive video component.
Topics slated for discussion include:
• Best practices when hiring new employees:
o Proper interview and employee orientation techniques
o Employing effective non-disclosure and invention assignment agreements and computer access and bring your own device policies, as well as restrictive covenants as permitted in specific jurisdictions
o Reducing risk of disclosure of trade secrets in social media
o Effective employee training regarding the importance of confidentiality and data protection
• Best practices for protecting your company when employees depart:
o Proper exit interview techniques and certifications
o Investigative techniques
o Reducing risk of disclosure of trade secrets in social media
• High level strategies for addressing restrictions on non-compete agreements but still protecting valuable trade secrets and company data
If you are interested in attending the webinar, you can register here. Michael Wexler, Robert Milligan, and Joshua Salinas are scheduled to facilitate the webinar.