A collaboration between Beacon Wireless Solutions and Garmin International, to integrate Beacon’s Global Positioning System fleet management vehicle tracking program into Garmin’s personal navigation devices, went awry. Allegedly without Beacon’s knowledge or consent, in order to boost Garmin’s sales, Garmin allegedly published to Beacon’s competitors Beacon’s confidential integration application specifications. Beacon sued, alleging trade secret misappropriation, breach of contract, and unjust enrichment. A few days ago
trade secret theft
Ninth Circuit En Banc Panel Tells Employers That Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Is Only To Combat Hacking, Not Employee Trade Secret Misappropriation: United States Supreme Court May Need To Resolve Circuit Split
On Tuesday, April 10, 2012, a Ninth Circuit en banc panel released its highly anticipated decision in United States v. Nosal and affirmed the judgment of the district court dismissing criminal counts against a former employee of a headhunter firm accused of violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1030 et seq. by conspiring with employees of…
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Plaintiff Receives Million Plus Attorneys’ Fees Award In Trade Secret Dispute Despite Small Damages Award
A recent trade secret misappropriation action resulted in an award of compensatory damages of $41,000 and punitive damages of $40,000. Then, the plaintiff asked for more than a million dollars in attorney’s fees and costs. The defendants protested that (a) the fee request was grossly disproportionate to the damages that were recovered, and (b) the plaintiff’s billing was excessive. However…