In Seyfarth’s seventh installment in its 2018 Trade Secrets Webinar Series, Seyfarth attorneys Andrew Boutros and John Schleppenbach focused on criminal liability for trade secret theft, including four key statutes, key elements for criminal prosecution, civil RICO under the Defend Trade Secrets Act, and best practices for avoiding misappropriation and for handling misappropriation when it occurs.

As a conclusion to
Continue Reading Webinar Recap! Criminal Trade Secret Theft: What You Need to Know

OverviewIn Seyfarth’s eighth installment in the 2016 Trade Secrets Webinar Series, attorneys Andrew Boutros, Katherine Perrelli and Michael Wexler focused on criminal liability for trade secret misappropriation. Trade secret misappropriation is increasingly garnering the attention of federal law enforcement authorities. This reality creates different dynamics and risks depending on whether the company at issue is being accused of wrongdoing or
Continue Reading Webinar Recap! The Intersection of Trade Secrets Violations and the Criminal Law

Tank Connection, LLC v. HaightThe stakes are getting higher: Trade secret misappropriation is increasingly garnering the attention of federal law enforcement authorities. This reality creates different dynamics and risks depending on whether the company at issue is being accused of wrongdoing or is the victim of such conduct.

On Tuesday, October 4, at 12:00 p.m. Central, Seyfarth attorneys Katherine E. Perrelli, Andrew S. Boutros
Continue Reading Upcoming Webinar: The Intersection of Trade Secrets Violations and the Criminal Law