Please join Seyfarth at the 2021 AIPLA Trade Secret Summit, which is being held November 8-9, 2021 at the headquarters of SolarWinds in Austin, Texas.

Boston Partner Erik Weibust is Chair of the AIPLA Trade Secret Committee and he will be offering welcoming remarks and moderating a panel entitled “Expert Advice: Practical tips for working with experts in a trade secret case.” Houston Partner Jesse Coleman will be speaking on a panel entitled “Don’t Mess with Texas Trade Secrets: Primer on Texas trade secrets and noncompete law plus protecting trade secrets in the oil, gas, and energy industries.”

Additional information and registration here: (click “Register Now” for the full schedule)

The AIPLA Trade Secret Summit is the leading trade secret conference in the nation, with speakers from across the spectrum of private practitioners, in-house counsel, government, and academia, as well as fantastic networking opportunities. CLE credits will be available and topics this year will include:

  • Expert Advice: Practical tips for working with experts in a trade secret case.
  • Federal Involvement and Enforcement: Biden’s Executive Order and other federal government regulation and enforcement.
  • What’s New in Noncompetes and Trade Secrets?: State law updates to noncompete and trade secrets law (including CA).
  • Advanced Trade Secrets Topics (Part 1):  Defining “ownership” of a trade secret or non-patented inventions.
  • Advanced Trade Secrets Topics (Part 2): Sufficiently identifying trade secrets in litigation update.
  • Protecting Trade Secrets in a post-COVID-19 World: Trends, traps, and other hot topics for protecting trade secrets in the remote work environment.
  • Don’t Mess with Texas Trade Secrets: Primer on Texas trade secrets and noncompete law plus protecting trade secrets in the oil, gas, and energy industries.
  • Trade Secrets and Noncompetes For Lawyers: Lawyers can misappropriate trade secrets and breach noncompetes, too. Ethics Credit!

Appropriate COVID-19 protocols will be in place. We hope to see you there!