Voting is open for the American Bar Association’s Annual 100 Best Legal Blogs competition. You helped us get named to the list in 2013, and we hope you will cast your vote today to help keep Seyfarth’s Trading Secrets blog on the ABA’s list for 2014.

Trading Secrets is a resource for employers and legal professionals that provides timely legal and news updates to C-suite executives, corporate in-house counsel, technology and security officers, and HR professionals concerned about protecting their valuable trade secrets, intellectual capital, workforce, customer relationships, and other confidential information.

The blog also offers a mobile device version, video blogs, podcasts and webinar library of our popular and informative webinars on trade secret, non-compete, and computer fraud issues, and resources, including an archive library from 2008 to the present.

Help us gain some extra recognition by casting your vote in the ABA’s Annual 100 Best Legal Blogs competition!

You only have a few days left to vote: The deadline is August 8, 2014.

Please click the link here to vote. Simply provide a short explanation of why you like the blog.