On July 23, 2013, the Boston Bar Association hosted its 5th Annual Symposium on Employee Non-Compete Agreements, Trade Secrets, and Job Creation.  

Speakers at the well-attended event included Senator William N. Brownsberger and Representative Lori A. Ehrlich, co-sponsors of a compromise non-compete bill that is working its way through the state legislature, along with Jennifer Lawrence, General Counsel
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Connecticut has recently proposed non-compete legislation which could dramatically impact restrictions on employee mobility. 

The bill, known as “Employer Use of Noncompete Agreements,” is House Bill 6658.  The bill recently passed in the Judiciary Committee, and is currently pending before Connecticut’s House of Representatives.

As it is written, the bill is intended to apply to all Connecticut employers.  The
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On January 30th, the Washington state senate introduced a bill which would prohibit public and private employers within the state from requiring employees to turn over their online social-network account passwords.  Senate Bill 5211.  As we previously blogged, a number of states have passed or are considering similar legislation, which ostensibly is aimed at protecting employees’ privacy in their

Continue Reading Hands Off My Tweets: Washington State Senate Proposes Ban on Mandatory Disclosure of Employee Social Networking Passwords

On September 19, 2012, Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and John Hoeven (R-ND) introduced the “Cloud Computing Act of 2012.”  The bill is a bipartisan effort to amend the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (“CFAA”). If the bill passes, it would purportedly provide greater civil and criminal protections under the CFAA against unlawful computer activites related to cloud computing than currently
Continue Reading New Federal Legislation Proposed To Amend Computer Fraud and Abuse Act To Address Unauthorized Cloud Computing Activities