The California Court of Appeal’s recent decision in FLIR Systems, Inc. v. Parrish, 2d Civil No. B209964, 2009 WL 1653103 (Cal. App. 2d Dist. June 15, 2009), affirming a $1.6 million attorney fee award to defendants upon a finding that the action was brought in bad faith, provides a useful and interesting discussion of various factors that may lead
competing business
Dunder Mifflin v. Michael Scott
By Michael Elkon on
Posted in Espionage, Trade Secrets
Roughly two months ago, we wrote about Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute, two fictional characters on NBC’s sit-com The Office, stealing the trade secrets of a competitor: Prince Paper. On last Thursday night’s episode, we learned the fate of Prince Paper: it went out of business. (5:35 into the linked clip.) Is this a result of Dunder Mifflin…
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