On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. Central, Seyfarth attorneys Bart A. Lazar, Robert B. Milligan and John P. Tomaszewski will present the third installment of its 2014 Trade Secrets and Data Protection Webinar series.  Please join us for a high level discussion as we take a closer look at avoidance and mitigation techniques for data breaches, including where
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We are pleased to provide you with our Social Media Privacy Legislation Desktop Reference.

There is no denying that social media is an ever-present issue in the workplace and in our personal lives. Since April 2012, a growing number of states have passed some form of social media privacy legislation. Nearly all other state legislatures, as well as Congress, considered,
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On April 16th, Scott Schaefers spoke with LexBlog’s Colin O’Keefe in a live online interview about what employers need to know about the social networking privacy legislation passed by thirteen states in the last two years.  Scott discussed Seyfarth’s soon-to-be-published survey of that legislation, as well as some ideas of what employers can do to protect its proprietary assets.  Those

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Significant recent developments in Illinois and other states, as well as Congress, have changed the landscape of trade secret and restrictive covenant enforcement and protection. Understanding the impact of these changes, and the tools now available to employers for trade secret and restrictive covenant enforcement and protection, will help a company safeguard its most valuable assets and maintain its competitive
Continue Reading Breakfast Briefing: Protecting Your Most Valuable Assets — Trade Secrets, IP and Your Employees

Cross-Posted from The Global Privacy Watch

With all the high-profile cybersecurity breaches that seem to be in the news lately, there is a plethora of “guidance” on cybersecurity. The Attorney General of California has decided to add to this library of guidance with her “Cybersecurity in the Golden State” offering. Cybersecurity is a pretty mature knowledge domain, so I am not quite sure why General Harris has determined that there needs to be additional guidance put in place. However, it is a good reminder of the things that regulators will look for when assessing whether or not “reasonable security” was implemented in the aftermath of a breach. And while there isn’t anything new in the guidance, what is informative is what is not there.
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As a special feature of our blog –special guest postings by experts, clients, and other professionals –please enjoy this blog entry about the big data and IP business strategy by technology lawyer and IP strategist Joren De Wachter. Joren serves as a Co Chair with me on the ITechLaw Intellectual Property Law Committee and has an excellent blog of his
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By Robert Milligan and Joshua Salinas

As part of our annual tradition, we are pleased to present our discussion of the top 10 developments/headlines in trade secret, computer fraud, and non-compete law for 2013. Please join us for our complimentary webinar on March 6, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. P.S.T., where we will discuss them in greater detail. As with all
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Throughout 2013, Seyfarth Shaw LLP’s dedicated Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group hosted a series of CLE webinars that addressed significant issues facing clients today in this important and ever changing area of law.

The series consisted of twelve webinars:

1. 2012 National Year in Review: What You Need to Know About the Recent Cases/Developments in Trade Secrets,
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Last month, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (“OSHRC”) refused to release SeaWorld’s new safety protocols for trainers interacting with killer whales, despite a recent court ruling that such protocols do not qualify for trade secret protection. The new protocols include new safety measures taken by SeaWorld in the wake of the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau, who was
Continue Reading A Whale of A Trade Secret. . . Or Not?

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released its draft of a voluntary cybersecurity framework last Tuesday that provides a means to better evaluate cyber risk, and prepare better defenses against ever-increasing online attacks. 

NIST’s “Preliminary Cybersecurity Framework”, to be finalized in February 2014 after a period for public comment, originated with Executive Order
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