Photo of Daniel P. Hart

In 2024, Seyfarth’s Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Compete practice group presented a series of dynamic and insightful CLE webinars, addressing pivotal challenges confronting businesses head-on. The breadth of our discussions encompassed a spectrum of critical topics:

  1. 2024 Trade Secrets & Non-Competes Year in Review
  2. Navigating the Intersection of Non-Compete Agreements and Employee Mobility
  3. Employee Training Programs: Building a Culture of Confidentiality
  4. Navigating Legal Minefields: Insights from Seyfarth’s 2024 Commercial Litigation Outlook
  5. Deciphering the FTC’s Non-Compete Ban: Navigating the New Regulatory Terrain and Adequately Protecting Employers’ Interests
  6. Data Protection and Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Trade Secrets in the Digital Age
  7. Unveiling Trade Secrets Breaches: Leveraging Forensic Exams for Robust IP Protection
  8. Enforcement Strategies Beyond Litigation: Leveraging Alternative Dispute Resolution
  9. Trade Secrets Audits: Assessing and Strengthening Your Company’s IP Protection
  10. What Employers Need to Know Regarding Non-Compete Changes in 2024

To conclude our impactful 2024 webinar series, we’ve carefully compiled key takeaways from each session. If you missed any sessions, recordings are available on our blog or through the provided links. We’re excited to share that Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit is attainable by watching the webinar recordings. For CLE credit inquiries, please email after viewing the webinar.Continue Reading 2024 Trade Secrets Webinar Series Recap: Key Takeaways and Access to Recordings

Once again surprising the country by acting ten days before her own self-appointed deadline, a federal judge in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued a ruling on August 20 in the Ryan v. FTC case setting aside the FTC Rule banning non-competes, and held (quoting Fifth Circuit precedent) that the ruling had “nationwide effect”

Continue Reading Federal Texas Court Sets Aside with “Nationwide Effect” the FTC Rule Banning Non-Competes

Yesterday, the Court in the ATS Tree Services v. FTC case denied Plaintiff ATS Tree’s Motion to Stay and Enjoin the FTC’s recent ban on non-compete agreements (the “Final Rule”), because, the Court held, ATS Tree failed to establish irreparable harm and a likelihood of success on the merits. This puts this court’s ruling in direct conflict with the July

Continue Reading Federal Court in Pennsylvania Creates District Split on Enforceability of FTC Non-Compete Ban

In a rapid-fire response, the Ryan Court in the Northern District of Texas this morning denied Plaintiff and Plaintiff-Intervenors’ Expedited Motion for Limited Reconsideration of the Scope of Preliminary Relief, and Plaintiff and Plaintiff-Intervenors’ Motion for Expedited Consideration of their Motion for Limited Reconsideration of the Scope of Preliminary Relief (for more on these motions, see here). In a

Continue Reading UPDATE: Texas Judge Swiftly Denies Plaintiffs’ Request to Expand Scope of Injunction in FTC Non-Compete Ban Case

Having achieved a milestone in obtaining a limited preliminary injunction halting the application of the FTC ban on non-competes effective September 4, 2024 as to the named plaintiffs and plaintiff-intervenors in its Texas lawsuit, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce et al. and Ryan, LLC moved today, July 10, to expand the injunction to apply more broadly.  Specifically, plaintiffs moved Chief

Continue Reading U.S. Chamber and Ryan Seek to Expand Injunction Halting FTC Non-Compete Ban

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted in a 3 to 2 decision along party lines to adopt its Final Non-Compete Clause Rule (“Noncompete Rule”) banning post-employment non-compete clauses between employers and their workers. The Noncompete Rule is scheduled for publication in the Federal Register on May 7, 2024, giving the rule an Effective Date of

Continue Reading Analysis of FTC Non-Compete Ban Legal Challenges: Does the Ban Pass Constitutional Muster? (And Other Issues)

On April 23, 2024, the FTC announced its Final Non-Compete Clause Rule (“Final Rule”), which bans post-employment non-compete clauses between employers and their workers. The Final Rule becomes effective 120 days after being published in the Federal Register (Effective Date).[1] As of the date of this paper, the Final Rule has not been published in the Federal Register.


Continue Reading FTC Non-Compete Ban: What You Need to Know

In the ever-evolving digital landscape as well as legislative and regulatory changes and proposed changes to the use of non-competes, the preservation of trade secrets stands as a cornerstone for businesses striving to secure a competitive edge. As we continue to navigate the complexities of remote work and the jurisdictional differences in restrictive covenant enforcement, the safeguarding of these invaluable

Continue Reading Webinar Recap! Navigating the Intersection of Non-Compete Agreements and Employee Mobility

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Central
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mountain
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Pacific


About the Program

In the ever-evolving digital landscape as well as legislative and regulatory changes and proposed changes to the use of non-competes, the preservation of trade secrets stands as

Continue Reading Upcoming Webinar! Navigating the Intersection of Non-Compete Agreements and Employee Mobility

In 2023, Seyfarth’s Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Compete practice group presented a series of dynamic and insightful CLE webinars, addressing pivotal challenges confronting businesses head-on. The breadth of our discussions encompassed a spectrum of critical topics:

  1. FTC Proposes Rule Banning Use of Non-Competes. Now What?
  2. 2022 Trade Secrets & Non-Competes Year in Review
  3. Commercial Litigation Outlook: Insights and Predictions for Litigation Trends in 2023
  4. NLRB and Restrictive Covenants: Trends in Employment Confidentiality
  5. Managing Trade Secrets in a Remote Work Environment
  6. What Employers Need to Know Regarding Non-Compete Changes in 2023

To conclude our impactful 2023 webinar series, we’ve carefully compiled key takeaways from each session. If you missed any sessions, recordings are available on our blog or through the provided links. We’re excited to share that Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit is attainable by watching the webinar recordings. For CLE credit inquiries, please email after viewing the webinar.Continue Reading 2023 Trade Secrets Webinar Series Recap: Key Takeaways and Access to Recordings