Photo of Bob Stevens

In Seyfarth’s second installment in its 2021 Trade Secrets Webinar Series, Seyfarth attorneys Richard Lutkus, Bob Stevens, and Matthew Simmons outlined best practices and steps companies can take to continue to protect intellectual capital, including policies, protections, security concerns, and agreements needed to protect information in a remote environment.

As a conclusion to this webinar, we compiled a summary
Continue Reading Webinar Recap! Employee Termination & Data Repatriation in the Remote Work Environment

Thursday, April 1, 2021
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Central
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Mountain
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Pacific

Establishing a process, checklist, or set of best practices for employee termination and data repatriation is essential, especially in a remote work environment. Depending on the remote work policy, including whether there
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shutterstock_292151738While the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act is garnering a great deal of attention, it’s worthwhile to remember that state law remains critically important in drafting restrictive covenants.  This week, May 11, 2016, marks the fifth anniversary of Georgia’s revised trade secrets act, which fundamentally recast how courts view and enforce restrictive covenants.

Prior to enactment of the new law,
Continue Reading Georgia’s Restrictive Covenants Act Turns Five Years Old: Assessing the Impact of Georgia’s Law Five Years On

shutterstock_318803609We are pleased to announce the webinar “So You Want An Injunction in a Non-Compete or Trade Secret Case? ” is now available as a podcast and webinar recording.

In Seyfarth’s seventh installment in its series of 2015 Trade Secret Webinars, attorneys Justin K. Beyer, Eric Barton and Robert C. Stevens focused on the issues confronting plaintiffs in preparing
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WebinarOn Thursday, September 24 at 12:00 p.m. Central, Seyfarth attorneys Eric Barton, Justin K. Beyer and Robert C. Stevens will present the seventh installment in its series of 2015 Trade Secret Webinars. Presenters will focus on the issues confronting plaintiffs in preparing for and prosecuting trade secret cases and the various ins and outs of seeking both temporary restraining orders
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Georgia’s restrictive covenant statute turns three years old this week and Seyfarth Shaw partner Bob Stevens offers insight into the significant changes in the law and how Courts are interpreting those changes. The legal changes are not only significant but anecdotal evidence from trial courts reflects that at least some trial courts view the change in law as an almost
Continue Reading Bob Stevens Reflecting On Georgia’s Non-Compete Law at its Third Anniversary