Robert Milligan, Seyfarth partner and co-chair of the Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes practice, is presenting the “It’s 10:00 pm. Do You Know Where Your Company’s Crown Jewels Are? Does Someone Else? Trade Secrets as an Information Asset” session at the MER Conference on May 11 at 1:30 p.m. Eastern in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The panel, which includes members of the Sedona Conference Working Group 12 (WG12), will discuss the WG12’s newly published guidance on protecting trade secrets and business confidences throughout the information and employment lifecycles. They will cover:
- Defining “trade secrets” and “business confidences”
- What makes trade secrets valuable and enforceable in court
- When value is destroyed: exfiltration by departing employees or corporate M&A negotiators
- When trade secrets become a liability: infiltration by new employees or acquisitions
- Reasonable IG policies and procedures to protect trade secrets
MER equips information governance practitioners to better impact their organization’s business objectives by bringing industry thought-leaders, solution providers, and practitioners into thought-provoking, interactive, solution-oriented events year-round.
For more information or to register for the MER Conference, visit the MER Conference website.