Seyfarth Trade Secrets attorneys are participating in The Sedona Conference Working Group 12 Annual Meeting, which is being held virtually November 9–10, 2020.
On November 9, Seyfarth Trade Secrets partner Erik Weibust is a panelist for “Tailoring Remedies to the Misappropriation: Equitable Relief, Damages, or Both.” On November 10, Seyfarth partner and Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group Co-Chair Robert Milligan is speaking on the “Leveraging Internal Assets in the Governance and Management of Trade Secrets” panel.
Additional topics at the conference include:
- Caselaw Synergies: Six Recent Trade Secret Cases Raising Issues for Dialogue Over the Next Two Days
- Leveraging Internal Assets in the Governance and Management of Trade Secrets
- Trade Secret Issues Across International Borders
- Inevitable Tension: Reconciling Public Court Access with Protecting Trade Secrets in Litigation
- Tailoring Remedies to the Misappropriation: Equitable Relief, Damages, or Both
- Judicial Roundtable
Find more information or register on The Sedona Conference website at