webinarIn Seyfarth’s third installment in its 2017 Trade Secrets Webinar Series, Seyfarth attorneys Justin K. Beyer, Dean Fanelli, Thomas Haag, and Marcus Mintz will focus on defining and protecting trade secrets in the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical companies can easily spend in excess of $1 billion for the discovery and development of a new pharmaceutical product. Trade secrets are an invaluable intangible asset that, in conjunction with a pharmaceutical company’s patents and trademarks, form the foundation of a company’s overall intellectual property strategy. Proper implementation of a sound trade secret strategy at an early stage is essential for both large and small pharmaceutical companies to protect their confidential proprietary information.

The panel will address the following topics:

  • Defining and understanding trade secrets in the pharmaceutical market, including the “hidden” trade secrets involved in drug research, testing, and manufacturing stages
  • Reviewing significant civil and criminal cases in the industry
  • Discussing how federal and state trade secrets statutes and decisions may impact the protection of trade secrets
  • Suggested best practices for protecting trade secrets from invention through sale

Our panel has significant experience advising clients on trade secret issues, litigating trade secret cases, drafting protection agreements, and conducting trade secret audits.

Please join us for this informative webinar:
