shutterstock_580430338Friends of our blog are conducting a survey of lawyers who work in-house at companies and who have some experience with trade secret law.

If that’s you, please click on this link and complete the questions:

Click Here To Take Trade Secret Survey

The survey, hosted by the survey company Qualtrics, is completely anonymous. The survey doesn’t ask for your name or your company, and the survey authors won’t even know if you’ve taken the survey or what your answers are. The survey results will be reported in aggregate form only, and nothing about you or your company can be identified individually. The survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

The reason for the survey is to collect information from lawyers on the front lines of trade secret work—those who work at companies on trade secret issues. The survey authors, David Almeling and Darin Snyder are conducting this survey for the upcoming third edition of their book on trade secret law. The goal is that while the first two editions focus on the experiences of outside counsel, this new edition will build on that view and add data from the in-house community.

If you work for a company and have any experience with trade secret law, thanks in advance for taking the survey.