Robert Milligan, Seyfarth Partner and Co-Chair of the Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group, will be a panelist for the “Trade Secret Mediations in 2017: What You Need to Know” webinar presented by The Knowledge Group, LLC Live Webcast Series on July 14, 2017.
In most intellectual property cases, particularly in trade secret disputes, mediation can be a highly effective mechanism to resolve conflicts early on. It can enable things that are not possible in court, such as private caucuses between a mediator and each party involved where private resolution of the issue can be offered.
Companies seeking mediation should first know their actual trade secrets and how to protect it. With the help of an experienced mediator, both parties can be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the case, and the requirements and risks of proving and disproving trade secret claims.
In this live Webcast, a panel of distinguished professionals and thought leaders organized by The Knowledge Group will help the audience understand the fundamentals of trade secret mediations. They will discuss how to leverage mediation for resolving trade secret disputes and avoid costly, slow and uncertain judicial process.
Key Topics Include:
- Mediating Trade Secret Disputes
- Confidentiality, Counsel and Mediator Ethics
- Selecting a Mediator
- The Role of Counsel in Mediation
- Preparing for a Mediation Session
- Drafting and Enforcing a Settlement Agreement
For more information or to register for the event, click here.