Seyfarth Offers 2016-2017 Edition of 50 State Desktop Reference:
What Employers Need To Know About Non-Compete and Trade Secrets Law
With the passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) in May 2016, there is now a federal cause of action for trade secrets misappropriation. In addition, some states have passed legislation this year further narrowing the use of non-compete agreements, and both federal and state regulators have increased their scrutiny of such agreements in certain contexts.
Seyfarth’s Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud and Non-Competes Practice Group is pleased to provide the 2016-2017 Edition of our one-stop 50 State Desktop Reference, which surveys the most-asked questions related to the use of non-competes, restrictive covenants, and trade secrets in all 50 states. For the company executive, in-house counsel, or HR professional, we hope this guide will provide a starting point to answer your questions about protecting your company’s most valuable and confidential assets.