Join Seyfarth Trade Secrets and Non-Compete Co-Chair Robert B. Milligan at the 2015 ABA-IPL Annual Meeting in Chicago on July 30, 2015. Robert will join expert panelists to discuss significant statutory changes to several jurisdictions’ laws regarding restrictive covenants and pending legislation proposed in additional jurisdictions over the past year, as well as the ongoing effort to federalize trade secret law. They will also discuss recent case developments regarding preemption, damages, consideration, and reasonable secrecy measures. The panel will also discuss how to effectively conduct trade secret investigations and how companies should protect trade secrets. As trade secrets and non-compete laws continue to evolve from state to state in piecemeal fashion, companies should continually revisit their trade secrets and non-compete strategies in light of the evolving legal landscape and legislative trends. Lastly, the panel will release and provide highlights concerning the ABA Trade Secret Committee’s 2014-2015 Trade Secret Case Law Report. For more information and registration, click here.