California partners Robert Milligan and Jim McNairy will be presenting at a day long Bridgeport Trade Secret and Cybersecurity Program in Los Angeles on May 17th.

Trade secret litigation and employee mobility cases are the hottest areas of intellectual property and employment litigation. More and more senior level executives and employees are leaving one company to start or join a direct competitor. This program will provide participants with advice on how to protect company trade secrets, guard against employee raids, recruit from competitors without getting sued, and deal with the important issues that arise when employees leave to compete with their former employers. The program will also have cybersecurity as a component discussing the latest risks and best protections for businesses.

Robert will serve as a program moderator as well as lead one presentation on cybersecurity risks and protection strategies and a second presentation on trade secret case decision-making and solutions. Jim will lead a presentation on trade secret basics. They will be joined by notable attorneys from the MGA/Mattel and Gundlach/TCW cases and a US Attorney who specializes in handling cyberattacks and trade secret cases. Bridgeport is offering Seyfarth clients a discount if they register online. Please contact your Seyfarth attorney for additional details.