Tomorrow – January 28, 2010, 10 A.M. PDT

Our previous webinars have covered the basics of trade secrets and trade secret litigation.  The third in our webinar series will focus on claims under the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.  The CFAA has, over the last decade, gained traction as a powerful weapon for companies to obtain injunctive and monetary relief when employees steal their employers’ proprietary information.  However, asserting a CFAA claim is not as straightforward as it seems.  Over the years, some courts have expanded its applicability in the misappropriation context, while others have tried to limit use of the CFAA.  Our webinar, The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act:  What You Need To Know, will, among other things, describe the basics of a CFAA claim, identify the various interpretations of certain key elements of a CFAA claim as it is asserted in the misappropriation context, and discuss best practices for asserting and defending CFAA claims.  We are joined by a computer forensic expert who will describe the various means of obtaining computer evidence to support a CFAA claim and will provide you with tips on preserving electronic evidence.  You may register here.