In Seyfarth’s first installment of its 2013 Trade Secrets Webinar series, Seyfarth attorneys Michael Wexler, Robert Milligan, and Joshua Salinas will review noteworthy cases and other legal developments from across the nation this past year in the areas of trade secrets and data theft, non-compete enforceability, computer fraud, and company owned social media accounts and social media policies, as well
Continue Reading 2012 National Year in Review: What You Need to Know About the Recent Cases/Developments in Trade Secrets, Non-Compete, and Computer Fraud Law

By Robert Milligan and Grace Chuchla

There are not many issues that the United States Supreme Court can unanimously resolve in five short pages.

The preeminence of the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) is apparently one such issue, as the Supreme Court recently illustrated in its November 26 per curium opinion in Nitro-Lift Technologies LLC v. Howard, 568 U.S. __
Continue Reading US Supreme Court Strikes Down Oklahoma Supreme Court Decision And Holds That Arbitrator, Rather Than Court, Must Determine the Enforceability of Non-Compete Agreements Containing Arbitration Provisions